As we all well know now,there's some trouble in paradise but how deep this goes still has some ways to play out. Some of the media reports have varied but overall calm hit the markets today as it appears some of the scariest debt will be taken care of. The question remains how many other Dubai's are lurking out there and has the US taken care of the worst of theirs ?
As far the internet goes, the stories can appear to be valid, only to discover they are written by some anti-elitist types telling tales of intimate connections to the highest powers of the US government and certain currency events that are close to happening, but we see these stories nowhere else on the net,hmmmm.
Best to keep a level head, realize we are in an overbought,range trading market that is searching for some levelling off zone. This will hopefully remain through Christmas along with the precious metals finding a new base level in here without any nasty corrections so many are calling for. Aren't these the same people who called the top the last six months ?
The precious metals prices are here to stay in my opinion. Canaccord just upped their peak gold and silver prices to $1300 and $21 respectively. Those are very nice numbers to work with going into next year. Got Artha ?